Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gluten-free banana crunch muffin recipe

Yummy gluten-free banana muffin

In case you don't know, I love the Food Network. I've been a fan for years. One of my favorite chefs is Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa. Someone recently passed along her recipe for Banana Crunch Muffins. I didn't try the muffin but could tell from the smell it was good.

Recently, I started my son on a gluten-free diet. Of course, I had incredible "mommy guilt" when I told him he couldn't have the muffin so I needed to figure out a way to make a version for him. With a few easy adjustments, it was straight forward. The sugar content was high for me so I made some other adjustments.

Even after cutting back the sugar, wow, these are sweet. But, I look at them as a treat, not something for everyday. The sugar could probably be cut even more, especially if the granola that's used is on the sweeter side. This would probably make an excellent banana cake as well; just lower the temp by 25 degrees and cook about 40 minutes. Enjoy!

Gluten-Free Banana Crunch Muffins (based on a recipe by Ina Garten)

3 cups gluten-free flour blend
1 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
2/3 cup white organic sugar
2/3 cup brown or raw sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 stick (4 oz) unsalted butter, melted and cooled (or you can use all butter or all oil)
1/2 c coconut oil, melted and cooled
2 large cage free eggs
3/4 cup milk
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (2-3 bananas)
1 cup medium-diced ripe bananas (1-2 bananas)
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup gluten-free granola
1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Prepare 18-20 muffin tins.

2. In the bowl of a stand-up mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flour, xanthan gum, sugars, baking powder, baking soda, and salt with a whisk. Add the melted butter and coconut oil and mix for 1 minute. Combine the eggs, milk, vanilla, and mashed bananas, and add them to the flour-and-butter mixture. Scrape the bowl and blend well until the mixture comes together.

3. On low, mix in the diced bananas, walnuts, granola, and coconut into the batter. Spoon or scoop the batter into muffin tins, about 2/3 full.

4. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the tops are brown and a toothpick comes out clean. Cool slightly, remove from the pan, and serve.


  1. I came across your blog by clicking on "next blog" in blogger. My son has celiac disease and Autism and we follow a gluten free diet for him. We are going to try these muffins today!

    We have been using the flour blend from Jules Gluten Free (www.julesglutenfree,com). I've found it can be used as 1:1 subsitute for wheat flour in most dishes. Its changed our life :-).

    Thanks for the great recipes!

  2. Thanks Tara! I do appreciate it. Although I do like easy blends, what I like about mine is that the flours (brown rice and millet) have a higher nutritional value than white rice. I keep a big container mixed together in the cupboard and just grab that.

    Hope you will check out more recipes. I write a gluten free column as well; there are some great recipes! The link is on the home page of the blog.

    Take care.


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