Wait, is that a hamburger roll that doesn't crumble? What a treat!
One advantage to a gluten-free diet is skipping the bread; I find I'm not as full otherwise. I often ask for a plain hot dog or hamburger whether I'm at the ball game, a bbq or restaurant. My kids and I have gotten used to it so it's no longer a big deal. However, when I made my own hamburger recently and served it on one of Udi's new hamburger rolls, I realized I did miss it. Whether you are looking for the gluten-free replacement or you just crave a roll once in a while, Udi's is a good option.

I have learned with gluten-free bread to keep it in the freezer if I'm not going to use it right away. The Udi's rolls are attached so if this is your strategy too, cut them before freezing. I find if I leave the roll out for about 10 minutes, it's thawed enough to separate (you can also place it in the microwave for 10 seconds if necessary). To complete the thawing process and crisp it up, I put mine in the toaster oven for 2-3 minutes. This is also another way to melt cheese.
When you make your burger, you don't need to add anything except some seasoning. For a pound of meat, 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and a sprinkling of black pepper should be enough. That's personal preference; my husband adds a grill seasoning but it's too spicy for our kids. I only buy natural, grass-fed beef. My personal favorite is a local farm called
Markegard Family Grass-Fed which is excellent. Even though there isn't too much fat, the flavor is amazing.

On the day I made the burger to the left, it was just for myself so I made it in a pan versus the outdoor grill. After turning it and letting it cook another few minutes, I added some sharp cheddar and covered it with a pot lid. This finished the cooking and melted the cheese perfectly. To the bun, I added some organic tomato and lettuce. I plopped the burger on top, added my ketchup :-) and went for it. I was making the happy yummy noise while I ate; luckily I was alone! I would recommend trying it, especially if it's something you miss on a gluten-free diet.

As for the hot dog rolls, I like them but they are a bit dense. We ate them another night with some Fearless Flyer hot dogs which we grilled on the bbq. The rolls were hard for my kids to eat but it didn't stop me. The downside was that I felt full so maybe next time I'll just go for a half.
The hot dog to the left is one from a Celiac Awareness Event at AT&T Park this past week. My children split one and it was still a lot of bread. I'm going to try microwaving the rolls next time I serve them to see if that helps it become a bit softer which might make it easier for them.
If you don't see Udi's in your local market, remember to ask. Some times products can be in places you don't expect (like the fridge or freezer). It's also helpful for the store to know you are interested so they are more likely to carry them.
It's almost officially summer so this year, don't deny yourself! Have a burger or hot dog on a roll and enjoy!
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